A Dictionary of Feelings and Needs: Feedback Project

Welcome to our journey of enriching this specialized dictionary which exists to guide the exploration and expression of the complex tapestry of human feelings and needs, particularly crafted to enhance empathy, emotional literacy, and relational harmony. One post at a time, we will delve into a specific entry, sharing the definition and four synonyms from the dictionary, as well as other contextual information about the particular feeling or need to promote open exploration. Our goal is to continuously improve the quality and accuracy of the entries, and to consider words that should be added or removed to provide a richer vocabulary for your emotional intelligence toolkit. Your feedback and insights are invaluable in shaping this dynamic dictionary. Share your thoughts and help us create a living resource that truly reflects our shared human experience.

Your feedback is invaluable. Please share your insights in the comments or email us at dictionary@empathyset.com.

Let’s build this emotional lexicon together!